1.3. Create your own extension

If your use case is not covered by DataLad’s built-in functionality or by the variety of available DataLad extensions, DataLad provides a mechanism for extending particular functionality or for providing entire command suites via the DataLad extension template.

Since DataLad extensions are proper Python packages, there can be a significant amount of boilerplate code involved in the creation of a new extension. The extension template removes this overhead from the developer by providing a standard setup for Python packaging, test suite registration, and documentation. It also contains a demo command suite that is automatically exposed via DataLad’s standard command line and Python API.

In this section, we provide an overview of the main content of the extension template, as well the steps to follow when creating your own extension from the template.

1.3.1. The DataLad extension template

Apart from some standard git-, GitHub, versioning-, and Python packaging-specific files, the extension template has the following core content:

  • setup.cfg: which contains the main metadata for the extension and provides the means to specify package requirements and entry points for command and test suites.

  • datalad_helloworld/: which contains a basic implementation of an extension command suite (in the template: hello_cmd) and demonstrates how extension command classes should inherit from DataLad classes in order for them to be exposed via the DataLad command line and Python API.

  • docs/: which contains a basic implementation of Sphinx for document generation.

  • .appveyor.yml: which contains the setup for continuous integration with Appveyor.

  • .codeclimate.yml: which contains the setup for automated code review for test coverage, maintainability and more with Code Climate

  • requirements-devel.txt: which lists the requirements for a pip-based development environment installation

1.3.2. Using the extension template

To develop your own extension, you can follow these steps to adjust the template according to your own specifications:

  1. Create your extension repository from the DataLad extension template

  2. Add your extension name, which can be done by looking through the source code and replacing datalad_helloworld with datalad_<newname> (hint: git grep datalad_helloworld should find all spots).

  3. Replace the example command implementation with your own:
    • First replace the HelloWorld class with your own class implementation.

    • Then adjust the command_suite in datalad_helloworld/__init__.py by replacing the reference to HelloWorld with a reference to your newly implemented class.

  4. Allow automatic testing of extension installation by replacing hello_cmd in datalad_helloworld/tests/test_register.py with the name of the new command.

  5. Update your documentation in docs/source/index.rst by following the guidelines on documentation building, testing, and publishing provided in docs/README.md.

  6. Replace the main README content of your repository with a description of your extension, including standard information such as an overview, installation instructions, documentation, and contributing guidelines.

  7. Update setup.cfg with appropriate metadata on the new extension, including the Python version (python_equires), package requirements (install_requires) and entry points for command or testing suites (datalad.extensions)

  8. Publish your extension, e.g. on GitHub.

  9. Activate/link external services, such as Appveyor for continuous integration, or Read The Docs for documentation.

  10. If you’ve written an extension that provides important functionality for you or your community, consider registering your extension at github.com/datalad/datalad-extensions in order to test your extension’s functionality against future DataLad releases and ensure interoperability across software versions. Ideally, open an issue to get in touch with the DataLad developers about this.