1.1. How to hide content from DataLad

You have progressed quite far in the DataLad-101 course, and by now, you have gotten a good overview on the basics and not-so-basic-anymores of DataLad. You know how to add, modify, and save files, even completely reproducibly, and how to share your work with others.

By now, the datalad save command is probably the most often used command in this dataset. This means that you have seen some of its peculiarities. The most striking was that it by default will save the complete datasets status if one does not provide a path to a file change. This would result in all content that is either modified or untracked being saved in a single commit.

In principle, a general recommendation may be to keep your DataLad dataset clean. This assists a structured way of working and prevents clutter, and it also nicely records provenance inside your dataset. If you have content in your dataset that has been untracked for 9 months it will be hard to remember where this content came from, whether it is relevant, and if it is relevant, for what. Adding content to your dataset will thus usually not do harm – certainly not for your dataset. However, there may be valid reasons to keep content out of DataLad’s version control and tracking. Maybe you hide your secret my-little-pony-themesongs/ collection within Deathmetal/ and do not want a record of this in your history or the directory being shared together with the rest of the dataset. Who knows? We would not judge in any way.

In principle, you already know a few tricks on how to be “messy” and have untracked files. For datalad save, you know that precise file paths allow you to save only those modifications you want to change. For datalad run you know that one can specify the --explicit option to only save those modifications that are specified in the --output argument.

Beyond these tricks, there are two ways to leave untracked content unaffected by a datalad save. One is the -u/--updated option of datalad save:

$ datalad save -m "my commit message here" -u/--updated

will only save dataset modifications to previously tracked paths. If my-little-pony-themesongs/ is not yet tracked, a datalad save -u will leave it untouched, and its existence or content is not written to the history of your dataset.

A second way of hiding content from DataLad is a .gitignore file. As the name suggests, it is a Git related solution, but it works just as well for DataLad.

A .gitignore file is a file that specifies which files should be ignored by the version control tool. To use a .gitignore file, simply create a file with this name in the root of your dataset (be mindful: remember the leading .!). You can use one of thousands of publicly shared examples, or create your own one.

To specify dataset content to be git-ignored, you can either write a full file name, e.g. playlists/my-little-pony-themesongs/Friendship-is-magic.mp3 into this file, or paths or patterns that make use of globbing, such as playlists/my-little-pony-themesongs/*. The hidden section at the end of this page contains some general rules for patterns in .gitignore files. Afterwards, you just need to save the file once to your dataset so that it is version controlled. If you have new content you do not want to track, you can add new paths or patterns to the file, and save these modifications.

Let’s try this with a very basic example: Let’s git-ignore all content in a tmp/ directory in the DataLad-101 dataset:

$ cat << EOT > .gitignore

$ datalad status
untracked: .gitignore (file)
$ datalad save -m "add something to ignore" .gitignore
add(ok): .gitignore (file)
save(ok): . (dataset)
action summary:
  add (ok: 1)
  save (ok: 1)

This .gitignore file is very minimalistic, but its sufficient to show how it works. If you now create a tmp/ directory, all of its contents would be ignored by your datasets version control. Let’s do so, and add a file into it that we do not (yet?) want to save to the dataset’s history.

$ mkdir tmp
$ echo "this is just noise" > tmp/a_random_ignored_file
$ datalad status
nothing to save, working tree clean

As expected, the file does not show up as untracked – it is being ignored! Therefore, a .gitignore file can give you a space inside of your dataset to be messy, if you want to be.

Rules for .gitignore files

Here are some general rules for the patterns you can put into a .gitignore file, taken from the book Pro Git :

  • Blank lines or lines starting with # are ignored

  • Standard globbing patterns work. The line


    lets all files ending in .o or .a be ignored. Importantly, these patterns will be applied recursively through your dataset, so that a file matching this rule will be ignored, even if it is in a subdirectory of your dataset. If you want to ignore specific files in the directory your .gitignore file lies in, but not any subdirectories, start the pattern with a forward slash (/), as in /TODO.

  • To specify directories, you can end patterns with a forward slash (/), for example build/.

  • You can negate a pattern by starting it with an exclamation point (!), such as !lib.a. This would track the file lib.a, even if you would be ignoring all other files with .a extension.

The manpage of gitignore has an extensive and well explained overview. To read it, simply type man gitignore into your terminal.

You can have a single .gitignore file in the root of your dataset, and its rules apply recursively to the entire hierarchy of the dataset (but not subdatasets!). Alternatively, you can have additional .gitignore files in subdirectories of your dataset. The rules in these nested .gitignore files only apply to the files under the directory where they are located.

Implications of git-ignored outputs for re-running

Note one caveat: If a command creates an output that is git-ignored, (e.g. anything inside of tmp/ in our dataset), a subsequent command that requires it as an undisclosed input will only succeed if both commands a ran in succession. The second command will fail if re-ran on its own, however.

Globally ignoring files

Its not only possible to define files or patterns for files to ignore inside of individual datasets, but to also set global specifications to have every single dataset you own ignore certain files or file types.

This can be useful, for example, for unwanted files that your operating system or certain software creates, such as lock files, .swp files, .DS_Store files, Thumbs.DB, or others.

To set rules to ignore files for all of your datasets, you need to create a global .gitignore file. The only difference between a repository-specific and a global .gitignore file is its location on your file system. You can put it either in its default location ~/.config/git/ignore (you may need to create the ~/.config/git directory first), or place it into any other location and point Git to it. If you create a file at ~/.gitignore_global and run

$ git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global

Git – and consequently DataLad – will not bother you about any of the files or file types you have specified.