1.5. Dataset nesting

Without noticing, the previous section demonstrated another core principle and feature of DataLad datasets: Nesting.

Within DataLad datasets one can nest other DataLad datasets arbitrarily deep. We for example just installed one dataset, the longnow podcasts, into another dataset, the DataLad-101 dataset. This was done by supplying the --dataset/-d flag in the command call.

At first glance, nesting does not seem particularly spectacular – after all, any directory on a file system can have other directories inside of it. The possibility for nested Datasets, however, is one of many advantages DataLad datasets have:

One aspect of nested datasets is that any DataLad dataset (subdataset or superdataset) keeps their stand-alone history. The top-level DataLad dataset (the superdataset) only stores which version of the subdataset is currently used through an identifier.

Let’s dive into that. Remember how we had to navigate into recordings/longnow to see the history, and how this history was completely independent of the DataLad-101 superdataset history? This was the subdataset’s own history.

Apart from stand-alone histories of super- or subdatasets, this highlights another very important advantage that nesting provides: Note that the longnow dataset is a completely independent, standalone dataset that was once created and published. Nesting allows for a modular reuse of any other DataLad dataset, and this reuse is possible and simple precisely because all of the information is kept within a (sub)dataset.

But now let’s also check out how the superdataset’s (DataLad-101) history looks like after the addition of a subdataset. To do this, make sure you are outside of the subdataset longnow. Note that the first commit is our recent addition to notes.txt, so we’ll look at the second most recent commit in this excerpt.

$ git log -p -n 3
commit 3c016f73✂SHA1
Author: Elena Piscopia <elena@example.net>
Date:   Tue Jun 18 16:13:00 2019 +0000

    [DATALAD] Added subdataset

diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bc9ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+[submodule "recordings/longnow"]
+	path = recordings/longnow
+	url = https://github.com/datalad-datasets/longnow-podcasts.git
+	datalad-id = b3ca2718-8901-11e8-99aa-a0369f7c647e
+	datalad-url = https://github.com/datalad-datasets/longnow-podcasts.git
diff --git a/recordings/longnow b/recordings/longnow
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..dcc34fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recordings/longnow
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit dcc34fbe✂SHA1

commit e310b465✂SHA1
Author: Elena Piscopia <elena@example.net>
Date:   Tue Jun 18 16:13:00 2019 +0000

    add note on datalad save

diff --git a/notes.txt b/notes.txt
index 3a7a1fe..0142412 100644
--- a/notes.txt
+++ b/notes.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
 One can create a new dataset with 'datalad create [--description] PATH'.
 The dataset is created empty

+The command "datalad save [-m] PATH" saves the file (modifications) to

We have highlighted the important part of this rather long commit summary. Note that you cannot see any .mp3s being added to the dataset, as was previously the case when we datalad save (manual)d PDFs that we downloaded into books/. Instead, DataLad stores what it calls a subproject commit of the subdataset. The cryptic character sequence in this line is the shasum we have briefly mentioned before, and it is the identifier that DataLad internally used to identify the files and the changes to the files in the subdataset. Exactly this shasum is what identifies the state of the subdataset.

Navigate back into longnow and try to find the highlighted shasum in the subdataset’s history:

$ cd recordings/longnow
$ git log --oneline
dcc34fb Update aggregated metadata
36a30a1 [DATALAD RUNCMD] Update from feed
bafdc04 Uniformize JSON-LD context with DataLad's internal extractors
004e484 [DATALAD RUNCMD] .datalad/maint/make_readme.py
7ee3ded Sort episodes newest-first
e829615 Link to the handbook as a source of wisdom
4b37790 Fix README generator to parse correct directory

We can see that it is the most recent commit shasum of the subdataset (albeit we can see only the first seven characters here – a git log (manual) would show you the full shasum). Thus, your dataset does not only know the origin of its subdataset, but also which version of the subdataset to use, i.e., it has the identifier of the stage/version in the subdataset’s evolution to be used. This is what is meant by “the top-level DataLad dataset (the superdataset) only stores which version of the subdataset is currently used through an identifier”.

Importantly, once we learn how to make use of the history of a dataset, we can set subdatasets to previous states, or update them.

Do I have to navigate into the subdataset to see its history?

Previously, we used cd to navigate into the subdataset, and subsequently opened the Git log. This is necessary, because a git log in the superdataset would only return the superdatasets history. While moving around with cd is straightforward, you also found it slightly annoying from time to time to use the cd command so often and also to remember in which directory you currently are in. There is one trick, though: git -C and datalad -C (note that it is a capital C) let you perform any Git or DataLad command in a provided path. Providing this option together with a path to a Git or DataLad command let’s you run the command as if it was started in this path instead of the current working directory. Thus, from the root of DataLad-101, this command would have given you the subdataset’s history as well:

$ git -C recordings/longnow log --oneline

In the upcoming sections, we’ll experience the perks of dataset nesting frequently, and everything that might seem vague at this point will become clearer. To conclude this demonstration, Fig. 1.1 illustrates the current state of our dataset, DataLad-101, with its nested subdataset. Thus, without being consciously aware of it, by taking advantage of dataset nesting, we took a dataset longnow and installed it as a subdataset within the superdataset DataLad-101.


Fig. 1.1 Virtual directory tree of a nested DataLad dataset

If you have executed the above code snippets, make sure to go back into the root of the dataset again:

$ cd ../../