Building a scalable data storage for scientific computing

Research can require enormous amounts of data. Such data needs to be accessed by multiple people at the same time, and is used across a diverse range of computations or research questions. The size of the dataset, the need for simultaneous access and transformation of this data by multiple people, and the subsequent storing of multiple copies or derivatives of the data constitutes a challenge for computational clusters and requires state-of-the-art data management solutions. This use case details a model implementation for a scalable data storage solution, suitable to serve the computational and logistic demands of data science in big (scientific) institutions, while keeping workflows for users as simple as possible. It elaborates on

  1. How to implement a scalable Remote Indexed Archive (RIA) store to flexibly store large amounts of DataLad datasets, potentially remote to lower storage strains on computing infrastructure,

  2. How disk-space aware computing can be eased by DataLad based workflows and enforced by infrastructural incentives and limitations, and

  3. How to reduce technical complexities for users and encourage reproducible, version-controlled, and scalable scientific workflows.

Use case target audience

This use case is technical in nature and aimed at IT/data management personnel seeking insights into the technical implementation and configuration of a RIA store or into its workflows. In particular, it describes the RIA data storage and workflow implementation as done in INM-7, Research Centre Juelich, Germany.

The Challenge

The data science institute XYZ consists of dozens of people: Principal investigators, PhD students, general research staff, system administration, and IT support. It does research on important global issues, and prides itself on ground-breaking insights obtained from elaborate and complex computations run on a large scientific computing cluster. The datasets used in the institute are big both in size and number of files, and expensive to collect. Therefore, datasets are used for various different research questions, by multiple researchers. Every member of the institute has an account on an expensive and large compute cluster, and all of the data exists in dedicated directories on this server. However, researchers struggle with the technical overhead of data management and data science. In order to work on their research questions without modifying original data, every user creates their own copies of the full data in their user account on the cluster – even if it contains many files that are not necessary for their analysis. In addition, as version control is not a standard skill, they add all computed derivatives and outputs, even old versions, out of fear of losing work that may become relevant again. Thus, an excess of (unorganized) data copies and derivatives exists in addition to the already substantial amount of original data. At the same time, the compute cluster is both the data storage and the analysis playground for the institute. With data directories of several TB in size, and computationally heavy analyses, the compute cluster is quickly brought to its knees: Insufficient memory and IOPS starvation make computations painstakingly slow, and hinder scientific progress. Despite the elaborate and expensive cluster setup, exciting datasets cannot be stored or processed, as there just doesn’t seem to be enough disk space.

Therefore, the challenge is two-fold: On an infrastructural level, institute XYZ needs a scalable, flexible, and maintainable data storage solution for their growing collection of large datasets. On the level of human behavior, researchers not formally trained in data management need to apply and adhere to advanced data management principles.

The DataLad approach

The compute cluster is refurbished to a state-of-the-art data management system. For a scalable and flexible dataset storage, the data store is a Remote Indexed Archive (RIA) store – an extendable, file-system based storage solution for DataLad datasets that aligns well with the requirements of scientific computing (infrastructure). The RIA store is configured as a git-annex ORA-remote (“optional remote archive”) special remote for access to annexed keys in the store and so that full datasets can be (compressed) 7-zip archives. The latter is especially useful in case of file system inode limitations, such as on HPC storage systems: Regardless of a dataset’s number of files and size, (compressed) 7zipped datasets use only few inodes, but retain the ability to query available files. Unlike traditional solutions, both because of the size of the large amounts of data, and for more efficient use of compute power for calculations instead of data storage, the RIA store is set up remote: Data is stored on a different machine than the one the scientific analyses are computed on. While unconventional, it is convenient, and perfectly possible with DataLad.

The infrastructural changes are accompanied by changes in the mindset and workflows of the researchers that perform analyses on the cluster. By using a RIA store, the institute’s work routines are adjusted around DataLad datasets. Simple configurations, distributed system-wide with DataLad’s run-procedures, or basic data management principles improve the efficiency and reproducibility of research projects: Analyses are set-up inside of DataLad datasets, and for every analysis, an associated project is created under the namespace of the institute on the institute’s GitLab instance automatically. This not only leads to vastly simplified version control workflows, but also to simplified access to projects and research logs for collaborators and supervisors. Input data gets installed as subdatasets from the RIA store. This automatically links analysis projects to data sets, and allows for fine-grained access of up to individual file level. With only precisely needed data, analysis datasets are already much leaner than with previous complete dataset copies, but as data can be reobtained on-demand from the store, original input files or files that are easily recomputed can safely be dropped to save even more disk-space. Beyond this, upon creation of an analysis project, the associated GitLab project is automatically configured as a remote with a publication dependency on the data store, thus enabling vastly simplified data publication routines and backups of pristine results: After computing their results, a datalad push (manual) is all it takes to backup and share one’s scientific insights. Thus, even with a complex setup of data store, compute infrastructure, and repository hosting, configurations adjusted to the compute infrastructure can be distributed and used to mitigate any potential remaining technical overhead. Finally, with all datasets stored in a RIA store and in a single place, any remaining maintenance and query tasks in the datasets can be performed by data management personnel without requiring domain knowledge about dataset contents.


The following section will elaborate on the details of the technical implementation of a RIA store, and the workflow requirements and incentives for researchers. Both of them are aimed at making scientific analyses on a compute cluster scale and can be viewed as complementary but independent.

Note on the generality of the described setup

Some hardware-specific implementation details are unique to the real-world example this use case is based on, and are not a requirement. In this particular case of application, for example, a remote setup for a RIA store made sense: Parts of an old compute cluster and of the super computer at the Juelich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) instead of the institute’s compute cluster are used to host the data store. This may be an unconventional storage location, but it is convenient: The data does not strain the compute cluster, and with DataLad, it is irrelevant where the RIA store is located. The next subsection introduces the general layout of the compute infrastructure and some DataLad-unrelated incentives and restrictions.

Incentives and imperatives for disk-space aware computing

On a high level, the layout and relationships of the relevant computational infrastructure in this use case are as follows: Every researcher has a workstation that they can access the compute cluster with. On the compute cluster’s head node, every user account has their own home directory. These are the private spaces of researchers and are referred to as $HOME in Fig. 1. Analyses should be conducted on the cluster’s compute nodes ($COMPUTE). $HOME and $COMPUTE are not managed or trusted by data management personnel, and are seen as ephemeral (short-lived). The RIA store ($DATA) can be accessed both from $HOME and $COMPUTE, in both directions: Researchers can pull datasets from the store, push new datasets to it, or update (certain) existing datasets. $DATA is the one location in which experienced data management personnel ensures back-up and archival, performs house-keeping, and handles permissions, and is thus where pristine raw data is stored or analysis code or results from $COMPUTE and $HOME should end up. This aids organization, and allows a central management of back-ups and archival, potentially by data stewards or similar data management personnel with no domain knowledge about data contents.

A simple, local version control workflow with datalad.

Fig. 1 Trinity of research data handling: The data store ($DATA) is managed and backed-up. The compute cluster ($COMPUTE) has an analysis-appropriate structure with adequate resources, but just as users workstations/laptops ($HOME), it is not concerned with data hosting.

One aspect of the problem are disk-space unaware computing workflows. Researchers make and keep numerous copies of data in their home directory and perform computationally expensive analyses on the headnode of a compute cluster because they do not know better, and/or want to do it in the easiest way possible. A general change for the better can be achieved by imposing sensible limitations and restrictions on what can be done at which scale: Data from the RIA store ($DATA) is accessible to researchers for exploration and computation, but the scale of the operations they want to perform can require different approaches. In their $HOME, researchers are free to do whatever they want as long as it is within the limits of their machines or their user accounts (100GB). Thus, researchers can explore data, test and develop code, or visualize results, but they cannot create complete dataset copies or afford to keep an excess of unused data around. Only $COMPUTE has the necessary hardware requirements for expensive computations. Thus, within $HOME, researchers are free to explore data as they wish, but scaling requires them to use $COMPUTE. By using a job scheduler, compute jobs of multiple researchers are distributed fairly across the available compute infrastructure. Version controlled (and potentially reproducible) research logs and the results of the analyses can be pushed from COMPUTE to $DATA for back-up and archival, and hence anything that is relevant for a research project is tracked, backed-up, and stored, all without straining available disk-space on the cluster afterwards. While the imposed limitations are independent of DataLad, DataLad can make sure that the necessary workflows are simple enough for researchers of any seniority, background, or skill level.

Remote indexed archive (RIA) stores

A RIA store is a storage solution for DataLad datasets that can be flexibly extended with new datasets, independent of static file names or directory hierarchies, and that can be (automatically) maintained or queried without requiring expert or domain knowledge about the data. At its core, it is a flat, file-system based repository representation of any number of datasets, limited only by disk-space constrains of the machine it lies on.

Put simply, a RIA store is a dataset storage location that allows for access to and collaboration on DataLad datasets. The high-level workflow overview is as follows: Create a dataset, use the datalad create-sibling-ria (manual) command to establish a connection to an either pre-existing or not-yet-existing RIA store, publish dataset contents with datalad push, (let others) clone the dataset from the RIA store, and (let others) publish and pull updates. In the case of large, institute-wide datasets, a RIA store (or multiple RIA stores) can serve as a central storage location that enables fine-grained data access to everyone who needs it, and as a storage and back-up location for all analysis datasets. Beyond constituting central storage locations, RIA stores also ease dataset maintenance and queries: If all datasets of an institute are kept in a single RIA store, questions such as “Which projects use this data as their input?”, “In which projects was the student with this Git identity involved?”, “Give me a complete research log of what was done for this publication”, or “Which datasets weren’t used in the last 5 years?” can be answered automatically with Git tools, without requiring expert knowledge about the contents of any of the datasets, or access to the original creators of the dataset. To find out more about RIA stores, check out section Remote indexed archives for dataset storage and backup.

RIA store workflows

Configurations can hide the technical layers

Setting up a RIA store and appropriate siblings is fairly easy – it requires only the datalad create-sibling-ria command. However, in the institute this use case describes, in order to spare users knowing about RIA stores, custom configurations are distributed via DataLad’s run-procedures to simplify workflows further and hide the technical layers of the RIA setup:

A custom procedure performs the relevant sibling setup with a fully configured link to the RIA store, and, on top of it, also creates an associated repository with a publication dependency on the RIA store to an institute’s GitLab instance[1]. With a procedure like this in place system-wide, an individual researcher only needs to call the procedure right at the time of dataset creation, and has a fully configured and set up analysis dataset afterwards:

$ datalad create -c inm7 <PATH>

Working in this dataset will require only datalad save (manual) and datalad push commands, and configurations ensure that the projects history and results are published where they need to be: The RIA store, for storing and archiving the project including data, and GitLab, for exposing the projects progress to the outside and easing collaboration or supervision. Users do not need to know the location of the store, its layout, or how it works – they can go about doing their science, while DataLad handles publications routines.

In order to get input data from datasets hosted in the datastore without requiring users to know about dataset IDs or construct ria+ URLs, superdatasets get a sibling on GitLab or GitHub with a human readable name. Users can clone the superdatasets from the web hosting service, and obtain data via datalad get (manual). A concrete example for this is described in the use case Scaling up: Managing 80TB and 15 million files from the HCP release. While datalad get will retrieve file or subdataset contents from the RIA store, users will not need to bother where the data actually comes from.


The infrastructural and workflow changes around DataLad datasets in RIA stores improve the efficiency of the institute:

With easy local version control workflows and DataLad-based data management routines, researchers are able to focus on science and face barely any technical overhead for data management. As file content for analyses is obtained on demand via datalad get, researchers selectively obtain only those data they need instead of having complete copies of datasets as before, and thus save disk space. Upon datalad push, computed results and project histories can be pushed to the data store and the institute’s GitLab instance, and be thus backed-up and accessible for collaborators or supervisors. Easy-to-reobtain input data can safely be dropped to free disk space on the compute cluster. Sensible incentives for computing and limitations on disk space prevent unmanaged clutter. With a RIA store full of bare git repositories, it is easily maintainable by data stewards or system administrators. Common compression or cleaning operations of Git and git-annex are performed without requiring knowledge about the data inside of the store, as are queries on interesting aspects of datasets, potentially across all of the datasets of the institute. With a remote data store setup, the compute cluster is efficiently used for computations instead of data storage. Researchers can not only compute their analyses faster and on larger datasets than before, but with DataLad’s version control capabilities their work also becomes more transparent, open, and reproducible.
