1.2. DataLad’s result hooks

If you are particularly keen on automating tasks in your datasets, you may be interested in running DataLad commands automatically as soon as previous commands are executed and resulted in particular outcomes or states. For example, you may want to automatically unlock all dataset contents right after an installation in one go. However, you’d also want to make sure that the install command was successful before attempting an unlock. Therefore, you would like to automatically run the datalad unlock . command right after the datalad install command, but only if the previous install command was successful.

Such automation allows for flexible and yet automatic responses to the results of DataLad commands, and can be done with DataLad’s result hooks. Generally speaking, hooks intercept function calls or events and allow to extend the functionality of a program. DataLad’s result hooks are calls to other DataLad commands after the command resulted in a specified result – such as a successful install.

To understand how hooks can be used and defined, we have to briefly mention DataLad’s command result evaluations. Whenever a DataLad command is executed, an internal evaluation generates a report on the status and result of the command. To get a glimpse into such an evaluation, you can call any DataLad command with the datalad option -f/--output-format <default, json, json_pp, tailored, '<template>'> to return the command result evaluations with a specific formatting. Here is how this can look like for a datalad create:

$ datalad -f json_pp create somedataset
 [INFO   ] Creating a new annex repo at /tmp/somedataset
   "action": "create",
   "path": "/tmp/somedataset",
   "refds": null,
   "status": "ok",
   "type": "dataset"

Internally, this is useful for final result rendering, error detection, and logging. However, by using hooks, you can utilize these evaluations for your own purposes and “hook” in more commands whenever an evaluation fulfills your criteria.

To be able to specify matching criteria, you need to be aware of the potential criteria you can match against. The evaluation report is a dictionary with key:value pairs. Table 1.1 provides an overview on some of the available keys and their possible values.

Table 1.1 Common result keys and their values. This is only a selection of available key-value pairs. The actual set of possible key-value pairs is potentially unlimited, as any third-party extension could introduce new keys, for example. If in doubt, use the -f/--output-format option with the command of your choice to explore how your matching criteria may look like.

Key name



get, install, drop, status, … (any command’s name)


file, dataset, symlink, directory


ok, notneeded, impossible, error


The path the previous command operated on

These key-value pairs provide the basis to define matching rules that – once met – can trigger the execution of custom hooks. To define a hook based on certain command results, two configuration variables need to be set:




Here is what you need to know about these variables:

  • The <name> part of the configurations is the same for both variables, and can be an arbitrarily1 chosen name that serves as an identifier for the hook you are defining.

  • The first configuration variable, datalad.result-hook.<name>.match-json, defines the requirements that a result evaluation needs to match in order to trigger the hook.

  • The second configuration variable, datalad.result-hook.<name>.call-json, defines what the hook execution comprises. It can be any DataLad command of your choice.

And here is how to set the values for these variables:

  • When set via the git config command, the value for datalad.result-hook.<name>.match-json needs to be specified as a JSON-encoded dictionary with any number of keys, such as

    {"type": "file", "action": "get", "status": "notneeded"}

    This translates to: “Match a “not-needed” after datalad get of a file.” If all specified values in the keys in this dictionary match the values of the same keys in the result evaluation, the hook is executed. Apart from == evaluations, in, not in, and != are supported. To make use of such operations, the test value needs to be wrapped into a list, with the first item being the operation, and the second value the test value, such as

    {"type": ["in", ["file", "directory"]], "action": "get", "status": "notneeded"}

    This translates to: “Match a “not-needed” after datalad get of a file or directory.” Another example is

    {"type":"dataset","action":"install","status":["eq", "ok"]}

    which translates to: “Match a successful installation of a dataset”.

  • The value for datalad.result-hook.<name>.call-json is specified in its Python notation, and its options – when set via the git config command – are specified as a JSON-encoded dictionary with keyword arguments. Conveniently, a number of string substitutions are supported: a dsarg argument expands to the dataset given to the initial command the hook operates on, and any key from the result evaluation can be expanded to the respective value in the result dictionary. Curly braces need to be escaped by doubling them. This is not the easiest specification there is, but its also not as hard as it may sound. Here is how this could look like for a datalad unlock:

    $ unlock {{"dataset": "{dsarg}", "path": "{path}"}}

    This translates to “unlock the path the previous command operated on, in the dataset the previous command operated on”. Another example is this run command:

    $ run  {{"cmd": "cp ~/Templates/standard-readme.txt {path}/README", "dataset": "{dsarg}", "explicit": true}}

    This translate to “execute a run command in the dataset the previous command operated on. In this run command, copy a README template file from ~/Templates/standard-readme.txt and place it into the newly created dataset.” A final example is this:

    $ run_procedure {{"dataset":"{path}","spec":"cfg_metadatatypes bids"}}

    This hook will run the procedure cfg_metadatatypes with the argument bids and thus set the standard metadata extractor to be bids.

As these variables are configuration variables, they can be set via git config – either for the dataset (--local), or the user (--global)2:

$ git config --global --add datalad.result-hook.readme.call-json 'run {{"cmd":"cp ~/Templates/standard-readme.txt {path}/README", "outputs":["{path}/README"], "dataset":"{path}","explicit":true}}'
$ git config --global --add datalad.result-hook.readme.match-json '{"type": "dataset","action":"create","status":"ok"}'

Here is what this writes to the ~/.gitconfig file:

[datalad "result-hook.readme"]
    call-json = run {{\"cmd\":\"cp ~/Templates/standard-readme.txt {path}/README\", \"outputs\":[\"{path}/READ>
    match-json = {\"type\": \"dataset\",\"action\":\"create\",\"status\":\"ok\"}

Note how characters such as quotation marks are automatically escaped via backslashes. If you want to set the variables “by hand” with an editor instead of using git config, pay close attention to escape them as well.

Given this configuration in the global ~/.gitconfig file, the “readme” hook would be executed whenever you successfully create a new dataset with datalad create. The “readme” hook would then automatically copy a file, ~/Templates/standard-readme.txt (this could be a standard README template you defined), into the new dataset.



It only needs to be compatible with git config. This means that it for example should not contain any dots (.).


To re-read about the git config command and other configurations of DataLad and its underlying tools, go back to the chapter on Configurations, starting with DIY configurations. Note that hooks are only read from Git’s config files, not .datalad/config! Else, this would pose a severe security risk, as it would allow installed datasets to alter DataLad commands to perform arbitrary executions on a system.